Virtual tour

Vivid 7 Dimension


This ultrasound equipment is used to perform high-resolution echocardiography tests by means of pulsed and continuous Doppler color images. This enables obtaining 3-D and 4-D images in real time, and the performance of Transesophageal Echocardiography, Contrast Echocardiography, and stress echocardiography for diagnosing coronary artery occlusion (ischemic cardiopathy, angina pectoris). Volumetric ejection fraction calculation done with specialized software to evaluate ventricular contraction dyssynchrony.



  • Carotid ultrasound and peripheral vascular ultrasound.
  • Fetal Echocardiography.
  • Equipment for stress tests with digital processing.
  • Basal and dynamic electrocardiography.
  • Holter recording with digital recorders and ambulatory artery pressure monitoring.
  • Tilt- table test for syncope test.