Medical Check-ups
At the diagnosis area of Hospital San Javier there is a medical check-up area. Check-ups are performed in accordance with age groups, sex and specific needs of each case, whether for children, teenagers, adults, sportspersons, senior citizens and/or workers.
The medical check-up begins by an assessment performed by an internist to make a medical record; then the patient is submitted to several tests aimed to detect and control any condition.

Executive Medical Check-up (40 years or older).
- Assessment (medical record, cardiovascular, respiratory and nutritional assessment).
- Clinical Lab Tests.
- Diagnostic Imaging (chest radiography, pelvic-abdominal ultrasound, bone densitometry).
- Special Tests for Women (Pap smear, mammography and breast sonogram).
- Special Tests for Men (prostate-specific antigen).
- Refreshment/fasting.
Basic Medical Check-up (18 to 39 years of age).
- Assessment (medical record, cardiovascular, respiratory and nutritional assessment).
- Clinical Lab Tests.
- Diagnostic Imaging (chest radiography, pelvic-abdominal ultrasound).
- Special Tests for Women (Pap smear).
- Refreshment/fasting.
Chequeo Médico de la Mujer.
- Pruebas de laboratorio clínico:
- Hemograma.
- Biometría Hemática.
- Química Sanguínea. (4 parámetros)
- Perfil Lípidos I.
- Triglicéridos.
- Perfil Tiroideo I.
- Hemoglobina
- Glicosilada.
- Hormona Insulina.
Chequeo Médico Integral de la Mujer.
- Valoraciones (historia clínica, valoración cardiovascular).
- Pruebas de laboratorio clínico:
- Biometría Hemática.
- Exámen General de Orina.
- Química Sanguínea (4 parámetros).
- Hormona Insulina.
- Perfil Lípidos.
- Proteína C Reactiva.
- Fibrinógeno.
- Perfil Tiroideo.
- Imágenes diagnósticas (radiografía de tórax, menor de 40 años: ultrasonido de mama, igual o mayor de 40 años: Mastografía bilateral).
Chequeo de Mama
- Mastografía Bilateral + Ultrasonido de complemento. (Mujeres de 40 años en adelante)
- Mastografía Bilateral (Implantes) + Ultrasonido de complemento. (Mujeres de 40 años en adelante)
- Ultrasonido de mama. (menores de 40 años)
- Mamografía.
- Ultrasonido de complemento.
- Tomosíntesis.
- Mamografía.
- Ultrasonido de Complemento.
- Tomosíntesis.
- Eco Pélvico
- Densitometría.
Chequeo Médico Integral de Hombre
- Valoraciones (historia clínica y valoración cardiovascular).
- Pruebas de laboratorio clínico:
- Antígeno Prostático
- Citología Hemática.
- Biometría Hemática.
- Examen General de Orina.
- Química Sanguínea (4parametros).
- Hormona Insulina.
- Hemoglobina Glicosilada.
- Perfil Lípidos I.
- Proteína C Reactiva.
- Fibrinógeno.
- Perfil Tiroideo.
- Imágenes diagnósticas (radiografía de tórax, Eco Prostático Supra Púbico).
- Collaborating with different departments (cardiology, imaging, internal medicine, nutrition, and spirometry).
- Multidisciplinary medical team.
- Warm and hospitable service.
- Competitive costs.
- Breakfast.
- Complete check-up
- Follow-up and diagnosis by specialists.
- By appointment.
- Show official ID-card (IFE, or Passport).
- Arrive 10 minutes before for registration at the imaging area.
- 20-minute tolerance to arrive for the check-up, otherwise, your appointment will be used.
- Check-up time is 3 to 4 hours approx.
- We suggest that you bring something to read.
- If in addition to the tests you need another test, this will be performed, provided, however, that the patient so authorized at an additional cost.
- After your Medical Check-up date you will have new appointment with the internist to include complete feedback and guidance on the findings detected by the internist.
- If you need to be invoiced, please provide correct information. There are no changes afterwards.
- Bring comfortable clothing (tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt, pants).
- 3-hour fast.
- 12-hour fast (water only).
- 48 hours w/out drinking alcohol.
- Bring urine samples, (first urine of the day) and stools (no more than 2 hours between taking the sample and arriving in the hospital) in special containers for medical samples. In the event you cannot bring any sample, you may take them during the check-up.
Pelvic-Abdominal Ultrasound:
- 8-hour fast.
- Drink 4 glasses of natural water before leaving your house, since the ultrasound test requires that you drink fluids before.
Pap smear:
- 3 days after the period.
- 3-day abstinence.
Mammography and Breast Ultrasound:
- Do not put any type of cream, talcum, deodorant, or lotion, nothing on the breast area or the armpit.
- Bring previous tests, if you have them.
It is important for the patient to take indications and recommendations given by Hospital San Javier into account, to guarantee proper diagnosis.
Lic. Ana Montes
Medical Check-ups Coordinator
01 (33) 36 69 02 22
Extension: 6020 ó 6021. (Direct 1605).
Business hours:
Monday to Friday
7:30 am to 3:30 pm
9:00 am to 1:00 pm