Nutritional Consultation
Available in: Guadalajara, Jalisco.
At Hospital San Javier we are concerned about providing comprehensive care; therefore we have a nutrition department consolidated to provide Clinical Nutrition as part of a patient’s treatment within a safety and human warmth ambience. We have the highest Hygiene and Quality Standards, seeking to meet user needs through an efficient human team and supported by our continual quality and improvement system.

- Proper food for every pathological condition.
- Nutritional evaluation (all in-hospital patients).
- Nutritional guidance.
- Quality and hygiene management.
- Specialized menu for each patient, in accordance to condition.
- Hospital San Javier was awarded with the H Distinction for the Diets Area and the Restaurant Area (Seis 40 Bistro), which guarantees hygienic management both of food and facilities for patients and diners. Because of its uninterrupted certifications (2013, 2014 and 2015), the hospital was invited to participate for the State Quality Award of Hygienic Food Management, which recognition is awarded by both the Secretariat of Tourism and the Secretariat of Health.
- Personalized assistance.
- Three-course menu options to choose from, in accordance with patient’s pathological condition.
- A hospitable team of professionals ready to serve you.
At Hospital San Javier, we pride ourselves for our hospital services in every unit; therefore, offering you quality services is our top commitment for your care and recovery.
L.N. Miriam Elena Orozco Álvarez
Coordinator of the Nutrition Department
L.N. Adriana Iñiguez
Quality Nutrition
01 (33) 3288.3180 y 01(33) 3669.0222
Extensions: 6011 y 6012