Urology Clinic
Available in: Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Hospital San Javier offers you the Advanced Urology Clinic which includes state-of-the-art technological elements in the Urology field, as well as human resources for teaching, academics, and welfare, to provide you with quality urological care in the west of Mexico.
- Endourology.
- Lithotripsy.
- Oncological Urology.
- Andrology.
- Infertility.
- Urodynamics and Pelvic Floor Disorders.
- Minimally Invasive Surgery.
- Urological Laparoscopy.
- Uro-gynecology.
- Kidney Transplantation.
- Penis and Testicle Implants.
- Hospital San Javier offers leading technology to solve urological conditions (laser, extracorporeal and intracorporeal shock waves, among others).
- Using top technology reduces a patient’s risk of morbimortality, as well as hospital stay.
- All of these advances are concentrated in an avant-garde hospital, such as Hospital San Javier that is concerned about technological advances and the provision of hospital services in the west of Mexico.
- Hospital San Javier has a Medical Staff of different specialties in continuing training.
- Budgets adapted to patient needs.
- Agreement with domestic and international insurance companies.
- Surgery rooms with professional medical equipment (high-resolution video-endoscopy and video-recording).
At the Advanced Urology Clinic you will find state-of-the-art facilities supported by a professional specialized team of physicians who are prepared to see to your needs with the warm and hospitable treatment that is characteristic of Hospital San Javier.

Dr. Carlos González Suárez
+52 (33) 36 69 02 22
Extension 4470
Direct 36 79 35 58